I use chrome as my primary browser right now and I came across a feature that makes bookmarking large groups of tabs easy. It came to me as kind of an abstract thing that I didn't even realize I was doing. Let's say I was doing some research on Wikipedia and ended up drilling down a long link chain, but I had to put off the reading of all the articles I had discovered until later. So what I start with usually looks ike a tab strip like the following:

I don't want to bookmark all the tabs I have open, because maybe I was working on something unrelated so I want to isolate these tabs. The first thing to do is make sure I am on one 'end' of the tabs I want to save by clicking on it. Next, hold down shift (just like you were trying to select multiple things in a desktop control) and then click the other 'end' of the tabs you want to save:

It might not be obvious at first but at least with the skin I am using the tabs are a different color than the ones not selected. Next I click and drag the tab that I am currently viewing and tear these tabs off. Chrome will give a slightly transparent window to indicate this fact:

Next right click on any one of the tabs and click bookmark all tabs and save it as the bookmark of your choice!

I didn't realize you could do this before now and so this will help me a lot when I am trying to separate a distraction or topic from other tabs (you can also drag and drop tabs on the top strip to sort if you haven't tried that).
Hope this helps someone!
Next right click on any one of the tabs and click bookmark all tabs and save it as the bookmark of your choice! How To Track Facebook User